We JKFAST a registered NGO, having its head office at Qadir Complex HMT Road Shalteng Srinagar
under registration no 116 and also having its branch office at K. P. Road Anantnag.
It has now successfully blossomed into the amalgamation of Trusts/Societies/other Non Profit institutions
who are registered in old & new re-organization act, for Education/Health, serving more and more deserving
people in general who are underprivileged.
It is now the largest purpose-built institute of its kind in J&K, try to serve the most neglected segment of the community.
We provide Health benefits, Routine & Special Medical investigations, of international standards through our channel partners
located in different Towns/Districts of J&K.To serve a larger number of people, we promote the concept of FAST HEALTH CARDS in Kashmir
by which people can go for any-kind of Test/Investigation on heavy 50% to 60% discounted/offered rates also Cancer & Chronic Diseases
patients get all the medical Investigations free of costs on our associated registered local medical labs.